Buy Uzumaki Big Chief Flower: 3.5G Big Chief’s Premium Cannabis Bags
Uzumaki Big Chief Premium Cannabis Flower is a hybrid strain inspired by rapper, A.D. The terpene-rich flower offers a palette of flavors consisting of floral, herbal, and fruity tones. The dark purple buds are covered in resinous trichomes and orange hairs.
It is easy an easy smoke and offers a strong head and body high. Simple cream color mylar bag. Mylar bags are the plastic bags that most cannabis flower brands use. Ideal for keeping the buds fresh, potent, and flavorful. The cream bag has a laminated look, with black font.
On the front of the bag, you see an animated character eating what looks like Ramen. With a child safety seal on top and a sleek design, this bag is easy to travel with. Don’t worry, it won’t open up; the safety seal keeps it tight. The only issue we have is the lack of information present on the external portion of the bag.
The bag shows only the name, quantity, and government warning. No lab results, cannabinoid profile, or manufacturing date. For this reason, we are giving the packaging a 2/5 score.
Big Chief Premium Cannabis Flower Uzumaki Review
The activation time is the same if you vape or smoke the flower. Around 3-5 minutes. The full duration of the high for an experienced smoker or vapor is lasting around 45 minutes, for novices, we found that the effects lasted for around 1.5 hours.
Activation time: 3-5 minutes after the first puff. Effects lasted for about 45 minutes for an experienced consumer, and 90 minutes for a novice cannabis user. When we rate convenience, we look at activation time, packaging, and overall performance of buds when ground up and consumed.
The lack of labeling on the package severely affects this product scoring, as we do not know the cannabinoid profile of what we are consuming. The saving grace here for Big Chief is the overall quality of the buds, which is high.
We found the buds easy to grind up and consume, and easy on your throat when smoked or vaped, the bag itself has a nice safety seal, keeping the buds intact when you are transporting the package between your house and wherever else you take your flowers. Investigate our substantial range of Wagyu Truffle Big Chief Flower.
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